Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up in a casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.
--C.S. Lewis

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Coming to Peru has definitely been a learning and growing experience. Before arriving, I thought I would have a hard time being away from home, my family, and my friends. But this hasn't been the case. Although I do miss home and my family and friends, this hasn't been the hardest thing about being here at all. I arrived here as volunteer of this organization and will leave the organziation as Director. Whoa. So how did I go from volunteer to Director?? I'm not sure to be honest.

The first four months I was here (August to December), I was a volunteer. Nothing more. Although in the beginning of December, Luz and Manual approached me with the idea of being the program coordinator. I knew I didn't fit some of the qualifications that they were looking for, but they preferred that I be the program coordinator since I knew the area really well, how things work here in the organization and in Peru, and that my  spanish was improving so I would be able to communicate with the community. So I accepted although I was a little wary about if I was the right fit. I tried my best, although looking back there were plenty of things I could have done better. But that's always the case. Plus, I don't have experience in this and I am learning. Taking on this job has caused me to stop teaching. I do miss it, and I realize that maybe I would like to continue with it. But that's a whole different kind of post. I was program coordinator from January to February.

Now beginning in March, I have the prestigious title of Director. Haha. Now, we have a new program coordinator who is more fit for this role of program coordinator than I was. She has great experience, and although she's only been here a full week and a half, she's done an amazing job. Better than what I could have ever done. I'm learning a lot from her. We're working together to help improve the organizatoin and prevent any more problems from arising. This title comes with a lot more responsibilities, and I'm going to try to do my best. Although I still don't feel like I'm the perfect person for the job, I'm going to try my best. I want things to get better. I should be director from March until August, the date that I am to leave the organization. After August, the new program coordinator will assume the role of director and they will hire a new program coordinator.

This job has been tough for me as it has put me far out of my comfort zone than I think I would have originally thought to go. I'm still learning so much about myself, about this job, about Peru, about what God has to show me, etc. I'm learning more about my capabilities as a person and my weaknesses. Things that I thought I knew about myself have been reaffirmed. Just in general it's a learning and growing process. I hope to improve myself and help improve an organization while helping others.

Here's a picture of some the kids that we teach:

This was taken around Christmas time. We had one of our volunteers dress up as Santa Claus and we went to a local colegio of special needs children and sang a Christmas song in English. The kids loved it.

More posts to come!

(P.S.- I have another blog at that I have kept for two years, but lately I have had trouble uploading pictures, so I decided to switch blogs so I can post pictures again.)

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